Crypto Wallet Screening – invesignal

Invesignal API Documentation

Welcome to the Invesignal API documentation. Invesignal provides a powerful API for screening cryptocurrency wallet addresses, enabling you to detect potential risks and fraud associated with those addresses. This documentation will guide you on how to use the API effectively.

Getting Started

To get started with the Invesignal API, you need to sign up for an API key.


All API requests must include an x-billing-token parameter in the header for authentication. Here’s an example:
  • curl -H “x-billing-token: YOUR_API_KEY”{address}

Supported wallets

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Tron


  • Endpoint: /wallet/{address}
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve detailed information about a cryptocurrency wallet address, including AML (Anti-Money Laundering) data, flag types, URLs, comments, and more.

Example Request:

  • curl -H “x-billing-token: YOUR_API_KEY”

Example Response:

  "req_address": "string",
  "blockchain_info": {
    "code": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "data": [
        "chainFullName": "string",
        "chainShortName": "string",
        "address": "string",
        "contractAddress": "string",
        "balance": "string",
        "balanceSymbol": "string",
        "transactionCount": "string",
        "verifying": "string",
        "sendAmount": "string",
        "receiveAmount": "string",
        "tokenAmount": "string",
        "totalTokenValue": "string",
        "createContractAddress": "string",
        "createContractTransactionHash": "string",
        "firstTransactionTime": "string",
        "lastTransactionTime": "string",
        "token": "string",
        "bandwidth": "string",
        "energy": "string",
        "votingRights": "string",
        "unclaimedVotingRewards": "string"
  "wallet_status": {
    "address": "string",
    "flagged": "string",
    "flag_types": [
    "urls": [
    "comments": [

Response Format

The API response is in JSON format and contains detailed information about the queried wallet address.

Rate Limiting

The Invesignal API has rate limiting in place to prevent abuse.

Error Handling

In case of errors, the API will return appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages in the response.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected]. We’re here to help you integrate and make the most of the Invesignal API.